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Belize Sustainable Agriculture, Ltd

Belize Sustainable Agriculture, Ltd (“BSA”) is the Belizean company that operates the CSA group’s farming activities in Belize’s Cayo District,

initially on the Cayo One Estate located 9 miles east of Belize’s capital city of Belmopan. 


BSA, under the leadership of Abram Dyck and David Baugh, has a strong team of farmers and land developers, as well as a broad network of third party contractors, through which it carries out the following main tasks:​


  • R&D plot

  • Cane Harvest



  • Sugarcane Planting 

  • Crop Nutrition 


  • Weed and Pest Control

  • Crop Irrigation



  • Land Improvement

  • Land Preparation


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Two dozers dragging a 4 inch anchor chain to uproot roots and stumps.

First heavy plow to remove roots and stumps to create loose material for contour leveling. 

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Field workers picking up sticks to prepare for further land preparation.



The rotary root rake wind-rowing sticks for clean up.


Heavy disc preparing for planting cane.


GPS guided tractor opening furrows for the cane seed to be set into.


Cane being mechanically planted. 

Rolling the covered cane to eliminate any air gaps around the seed cane for improved germinations.


Grass and pest control being applied via crop-duster.

Recently planted cane emerging.

Weed control via tractor and ridge-disc.


Loading dry fertilizer for application on cane.


Improved planting practices resulted in a higher plant population per acre.

Research and development plot looking for varieties with a higher yielding tonnage per acre, as well as higher yielding sugar content per tonne.

Regular crop inspections to catch any pests or diseases at the earliest possible stage.

Cane being harvested and loaded into a Ganzo trailer. From here it will be loaded onto a truck heading to the factory.

BSA delivers superior results through the application of rigorous data based farming methods.



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BSA has a strong commitment to the welfare and safety of its people, to being a positive contributor to local communities and the Belize economy, and to its investors. 


BSA insures that its employees receive extensive firearm safety training.


BSA's HR Manager provides employees regular briefings to ensure proper procedures.

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